Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trompe L'Oeil - The Great Dome Illusion



One of the uniquely Goan innovations in church architecture was an optical illusion.
The churches shown in the photos here seem to have a large dome crowning the apex. The churches are Santo Aleixo (St.Alex) at Calangute, Santo Estevão (St.Stephen) at Juem and N.Sra da Imaculada Conçeicão at Moira.
In this type of a cupoliform façade, the usual fronton of the pedimental or gable type is replaced by a wall which is slightly curved in plan on the façade side and having a dome shape in elevation.. This fronton has three levels like a regular cupola - drum, calotte and lantern. It is built in solid masonry but gives the illusion of a three dimensional dome. If you look closely at the false domes, you can see that the surface of the calotte is punctuated with ribs in shallow relief to complete the illusion!


The only true domed church in Goa is the church of Nossa Senhora da Divina Providencia (also called St.Cajetan's church) at Old Goa. The plan is in the form of a Greek cross (with equal arms) and the dome crowns the crossing.

Truly innovative, to achieve a monumental look at a fraction of the cost. What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve for. And when the eye is well deceived with noble intent, the heart rejoices!
One of the most famous domed structures is the St.Peter's Basilica in Rome. What glorious light streams from the openings in the drum and the transepts, shining on Bernini's baldacchino at the centre.

Photos of St.Peter's Basilica from Wikipedia
Exterior by Wolfgang Stuck, interior by Patrick Landy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!!! How did I miss this place??? You have an eye for details.
